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How do I find work on HelpAroundTown?

To find work on HelpAroundTown:

1) Register

Make sure to check your email on click on Confirm!

2) Go to Find Work.

Look for open jobs. Check the category you're interested in and the town you're in. Apply to the jobs that interest you.

3) Get free job alerts

We email relevant new jobs around 9PM every day ONLY when new jobs post that fit your Interests & Location.
That's a really easy way of finding work!
Go to Profile / Edit and slide Alerts on/off any time. (Or click on 'Receive Job Alerts' from the Home page).
Customize job alerts so you receive only those that fit your interests and distance you're willing to travel. Make sure to Save.
To turn off Job Alerts, go back to Profile / Edit/ Job Alerts / toggle “Receive email alerts” OFF / SAVE.

4) List your services

Let people know you are available, don't just wait for jobs that you will have to compete for! This costs $9.95/month. Your listing will be visible under Find Help.

5) Edit Your Profile

We give you a free page to describe your experience and qualifications: use it! People will look at your profile when you apply to a job and from your listing. Answer: Why should they hire you?

All the above is free except for #4


- When you do jobs on HelpAroundTown, you GET RATED AND RECOMMENDED.   

Ratings (out of 5 stars) and Recommendations (text) show on your profile. The more happy customers you have, the more customers you’ll get. (And vice-versa.)

-Be thoughful. When you're applying to a job: you're making a COMMITMENT.

Make sure to keep your appointments, show up on time, be neat, be polite, communicate clearly, and do good work.

- Always apply through the platform.

Even if you see a phone number or email in a job description, apply through HelpAroundTown. It's the only way we can tell you did a job. And if you didn't do a job, you won't be able to get rated & recommended for your work. We also save a record of all the messages exchanged and all your previous job applications, so you can always go back to them.

Watch the 'How To' video

- Promote your services and availability:

People check out who’s available before posting a job. If they find someone good who’s advertising, they call and may never post the job. There are two ways to get ahead of everyone else:

- List your services ($9.5/month)
- Buy an ad on the Bulletin Board ($35/month) - includes free listing

If you're running a business, or if HelpAroundTown has become a significant part of your income BUY AN AD on the HelpAroundTown Bulletin Board.

Ads are DIY and can be changed 24/7. So you can keep adapting your ad to the season. Offer spring clean-up, then mowing, planting, fall clean-up, snow removal, etc.

When you buy an ad, you get a free listing. Ads are visible everywhere. Listings are visible within 50 miles of the Helper's location. Ads are categorized. Listings are not.