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Camping, Hiking & Outdoors

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Teen Opportunities

Advice on (Re-)Starting Your Career

Volunteer and Fundraise

Resources for Caregivers

  • NeighborBrigade organizes local volunteer networks that support people as they face a health crisis
  • Caregiver resources
  • The ZaggoCare Resource Kit helps families navigate the health care system in times of medical crisis. The charity donates all proceeds to brain cancer research
  • Borrow medical equipment, free, in Malden MA, Saturdays 9AM-12PM. E.g. canes, blanket supports, over-the-bed tables, walkers, forearm crutches, commodes, wheelchairs, hoyer lifts, hospital beds and whirlpools for foot or arm.



State Government

If you want to know what bills are about to be voted on or what's happening in State Government, check State House News